Event Logo Image
  • Julep Season - General Admission $75.00: General Admission to Jockeys and Juleps. This ticket includes Dinner, silent/live auction, horse racing, and dancing to music by the Bueller Band.

  • Talk Derby to Me - VIP Tickets $125.00: VIP Admission to Jockeys and Juleps. This ticket includes: A VIP cocktail/appetizer reception, dinner, silent/live auction, horse racing, and dancing to music by the Bueller Band.

  • Its all about the hat – Program Sponsor $500.00 2 Complimentary VIP Tickets **Listing in the event program **Website Recognition for the entire school year    **Name a horse (owner and jockey) for our live horse racing games.
  • The Triple Crown – Table Sponsor $1,000.00:  8 Complimentary VIP Tickets w/complimentary wine on the table **Reserved table **Listing in the event program **Website Recognition for the entire school year **Ad Placement on our online auction page **Name a horse (owner and jockey) for our live horse racing games.
  • Getting Lucky in Kentucky – Event Sponsor $3,500.00:   8 Complimentary VIP Tickets w/complimentary wine on the table **Reserved table with prominent placement **Half Page Ad in event program **Website Recognition for the entire school year **Banner in the gym for the entire school year**Facebook and Newsletter Blast with company advertisement **Ad Placement on our online auction page **Announced at the event as a sponsor **Name a horse (owner and jockey) for our live horse racing games.
  • Run for the Roses – Premier Sponsor $5,000.00:   8 Complimentary VIP Tickets w/complimentary wine on the table **Reserved table with prominent placement  **1 hotel room at The Chattanoogan on event night **Full Page Ad in event program **Website Recognition for the entire school year **Banner in the gym for the entire school year**Facebook and Newsletter Blast with company advertisement **Ad Placement on our online auction page **Announced at the event as a sponsor **Name a horse ( owner and jockey) for our live horse racing games.

I would like to make a donation

I authorize St. Jude HASA to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Jockeys and Juleps '25. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.